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Mobile Startup Gymdeck Is Aquired By OptimisCorp, A Network Of U.S. Sports Centres


Gymdeck, a startup we wrote about over a year ago which was aimed at disorganised personal trainers is something of a typical startup story. After aiming at that market it soon realised the app was being used by all sorts of people in the fitness industry. Thus, after a while of gathering that data, Gymdeck has been acquired by a OptimisCorp, a company in healthcare technology and services which has 200 sports therapy, training and performance centers across the United States. Terms of the deal were undisclosed.

Privately-owned OptimisCorp says Gymdeck shares their goal of “empowering fitness professionals” such as personal trainers and physical therapists. Basically Gymdeck helps them stay on top of things, deliver a service to clients and ultimately make more money by gaining and retaining clients.

The British startup will remain completely intact, with founder Alena Dundas retained as Head of Mobile and running the company’s UK operations in London.

With the acquisition, Los Angeles-based OptimisCorp says its expanding into mobile apps and opening up to international markets like London.

Read more : Mobile Startup Gymdeck Is Aquired By OptimisCorp, A Network Of U.S. Sports Centres

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