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Microsoft Assembling “SWAT Team” to Boost Bing

Microsoft tapped former Clinton advisor and PR maven Mark Penn last week to lead a “SWAT team” focused on bolstering Microsoft’s consumer initiatives. The first target? Bing, Microsoft’s search engine.

According to Microsoft, Penn will lead a “cross-functional team focused on consumer initiatives and will draw on his experience in strategic development, branding and positioning to develop and deliver breakthrough ideas that meet consumers’ changing and dynamic needs”.

That’s corporate-speak for Penn’s real focus: Bing, according to The Wall Street Journal.

We’re Number 2!

Bing’s U.S. organic market share ended the quarter at 15.6%, up 120 basis points year-over-year, Microsoft reported last week. ComScore, which tracks search engine queries, estimated that 25.6% of all U.S. searches made in June were powered by Bing. While that makes Bing the second most-popular search engine, it’s also far behind the 69% of U.S. users who “Googled” their searches.

That may be part of the problem. While the most recent The Amazing Spider-Man movie presented a world in which Sony products dominated and people used Bing to search the Web, Google has made its name synonymous with search. Obvious product placements, including

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