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MacBook Pro With Retina Display Shipping Estimate Improves To 1-2 Weeks


The line for a MacBook Pro with Retina Display just got a bit shorter. The US Apple Store now pegs the new MBP’s shipping estimate at 1-2 weeks.

The MacBook Pro with Retina Display launched with much fanfare in early June. Apple called it the “most beautiful computer we have ever made.” The model quickly sold out, pushing shipping times to 3-4 weeks, which later fell to 2-3 weeks. Best Buy lists the model with a shipping estimate of 7-30 days.

MacRumors points out that the ship time improved to 1-2 weeks in the European and Asia-Pacific regions.

While the supply levels are improving, the models might still be hard to get a hold of for the forseeable future as the back to school season approaches. Apple’s PC market share is increasing as more people seemingly jump the Windows ship onto Apple’s party boat. The MacBook Pro with Retina Display does not currently have a direct competitor thanks to its amazing screen, thin chassis and class-leading battery life.

Read more : MacBook Pro With Retina Display Shipping Estimate Improves To 1-2 Weeks

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