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Kickstarter: The Chargecard Is A Super-Slim, Super Sexy iPhone Charger


Although I worry that these guys might get sideswiped by Apple when it comes to charging ports, here’s the Chargecard, a super slim battery charging cable for your iDevices that folds up into itself for maximum portability.

The project aims to sell these things for about $18 and they’re offering them in silver, black, and “bird.” Designed by Noah Dentzel and Adam Miller, the charger aims to replace cables you’re currently using.

They’re aiming to raise $50,000 and they’re at $13K right now, so it should fund.

UPDATE – Sadly, after further examination, I realized this is just a charging cable, not a backup battery.

Product Page

Read more : Kickstarter: The Chargecard Is A Super-Slim, Super Sexy iPhone Charger

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