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Kevin Rose Is Ready To Disrupt San Francisco


So Valley veteran Kevin Rose will be at Disrupt SF on September 8th – 12th! Rose will be joining our growing coeterie of distinguished speakers, all of which now include: my former boss Michael Arrington, Marissa Mayer, Vinod Khosla, Marc Benioff, Ron Conway, Ben Horowitz, Joel Klein, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, Jessica Alba, Brian Lee, Path’s Dave Morin and Benchmark Capital’s Matt Cohler.

In his past startup lives, Rose was the founder of Digg and co-founder of Milk. He is now a Venture Partner at Google Ventures.

If you’re itching to join all these amazing peeps, and us, get your tickets now.

And there are still opportunities to showcase at Disrupt for those companies who didn’t make it into our final Startup Battlefield list. Be sure to check out Startup Alley and get your tickets here. And for all of the hardware startups out there, we’ve created a special chance for you to grab a little Disrupt SF floor space. Information and tickets can be found here.

And finally if you are interested in becoming a sponsor click on this. Until next post!

Kevin Rose
Venture Partner, Google Ventures

Kevin Rose is a Venture Partner at Google Ventures, where he primarily focuses on early-stage and seed investments.

Prior to joining Google Ventures, Kevin co-founded Milk, a mobile application development company in San Francisco. Previously Kevin was the founder of Digg, and co-founder of Revision3, and Pownce (acquired by Six Apart). In addition, Rose is the founder of Foundation, a private newsletter and podcast, and formerly was co-host of the tech news podcast Diggnation.

Read more : Kevin Rose Is Ready To Disrupt San Francisco

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