In between weighing-in on Internet laws, as he is generally wont to do, Jimmy Wales has rather taken to London, his new adopted home. He’s been pretty active, petitioning to stop a tech student being extradited to the U.S., and generally appearing on the London tech scene quite regularly. He’s even due to host an event with the Mayor of London on technology soon.
Indeed, Wales is fast becoming something of a London connoisseur. And his next phase seems to be championing startups from, and coming to, the city. Last year he backed a new startup conference in London which he’s poised to repeat this year. Now news reaches us that he is to bring his considerable publicity power to a UK startup, Menshn.
Next week at 2pm on Monday, he’ll host a live chat on the new service, which launched recently and resembles the realtime live chat of Twitter but sectioned off into defined topics.
Wales’s presence (he has 70,000 Twitter followers and is constantly covered by the media) is likely to boost interest in the startup created by Luke Bozier and MP Louise Mensch, although we’re assured that his involvement is just on the live chat session only so far, no Angel investment as yet.
Menshn tells me the site has been tacking upwards of late since its launch in terms of users and engagement and a mobile friendly version is planned soon.
Still, I wonder how long it will be before we see Mr. Wales turn Angel investor in the London startup scene. He’d be a welcome addition.
Read more : Jimmy Wales Will Give Menshn A Few Mentions With A Live Chat Next Week
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