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Instagram Adds Nexus 7, Flickr Support


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: taking pics with a tablet is offensive to the human race. That said, viewing pics on a tablet is a very natural experience and Instagram’s latest build adds support for the N7.

This comes a few weeks after it was discovered that Instagram didn’t run on the new tablet. Owners trying to run Instagram were greeted with an incompatibility message. But now, with the latest version of Instagram, owners can view and share pics along with taking mugshots with the 1.2MP front facing camera.

Version 1.2 also adds Flickr support, allowing users to upload Instagram pics to the photo sharing site. As AndroidCentral reminds, Google + support is still missing.

But remember, kids, use this app for picture viewing purposes only. Taking pics with a tablet is dumb.

Read more : Instagram Adds Nexus 7, Flickr Support

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