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Google Quietly Acq-hires Part Of Design Firm Cuban Council For Google+

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In the midst of today’s news whirl, this tidbit slipped through the cracks; Part of the design team Cuban Council has apparently been acq-hired by Google, according to a note on their blog. Google has also confirmed the mini-acquisition in an email to TechCrunch.

“We’re very excited to share that some folks on our team will be joining Google to focus on design aspects of Google+,” reads the Cuban Council blog, titled “A New Voyage,” ”Having worked closely with a variety of Google product teams since 2005, we’re thrilled to have the opportunity to focus our creative efforts within the organization.”

Cuban Council has served some pretty high-profile tech clients, including Google, Quora and Evernote, and is perhaps most famous for designing Facebook’s logo (full story here). There’s no word on how many of the team, which may have already been working on the Google+ product, will continue at the firm, or continue taking on non-Google business.

“Cuban Council’s unique approach to design has helped them create the visual identities of some of the most well-known brands on the web,” a Google spokeswoman said in a statement, “We’ve worked with them for years and think they’ll be a great fit here.”

The search company would not disclose the terms or price of the deal, or even where on the spectrum of “acquisition” versus hire it “was.”

Read more : Google Quietly Acq-hires Part Of Design Firm Cuban Council For Google+

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