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Google+ For iPad Now Available With Hangouts, Events On Google+ For iPhone Flipped On

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Announced at I/O last month, Google’s Google+ iPad app has just gone live in the Apple App Store.

Keep in mind that the iOS version is out before the Android version and with it comes a dynamic stream of Google+ content based on popularity. So, if your friend’s recent video is more popular than a picture of your dog, the video will trump the size of your photo. Sharing and commenting is a pinch with simple finger gestures to pinch and expand posts in your stream.

You can even Hangout with up to nine friends and even stream the conversation over AirPlay to your Apple TV.

Also in tow comes Events on Google+ for iPhone, which can be created and edited right from your phone.

Read more : Google+ For iPad Now Available With Hangouts, Events On Google+ For iPhone Flipped On

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