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Gogobot Launches Its Redesigned iPhone Travel App, Hits 2M Registered Users


Social travel site Gogobot has been on a roll lately. Just two months ago, the company announced that it had passed 1 million registered users. Today, Gogobot announced that it now has more than 2 million users, up 100% in the past 60 days. Currently a new users signs up for the service every 15 seconds. To celebrate this milestone, the company also today announced its completely redesigned iPhone app. Gogobot 2.0 offers a number of new features, including the ability to book hotels right from the app, as well as new “explore” and “discover” tabs to find the most interesting restaurants, hotels and other venues around you.

Gogobot claims it is now the #2 social travel site behind Tripadvisor. The new app, the company says, is meant to provide you with “personalized advice and tools at every phase of your journey, from discovering to sharing and from planning to booking.” According to Gogobot co-founder and CEO Travis Katz, the emphasis in designing the new app was on making it “even more social, as you can follow where your friends and those in your network are traveling and learn if they liked a destination or have specific tips.”

With the new “explore” tab, for example, users can now easily find nearby hotels and restaurants around them. By default, reviews from a user’s friends are always displayed first.

As we noted earlier this month, Gogobot is putting a stronger emphasis on photos these days and this is also true for the new mobile app, which now offers full-screen pictures of interesting places your friends and other travelers from around the world are visiting.

Gogobot wants to be a service for both planning your trips, as well as while you are travelling and after you have returned. During your travels, you can use the app to create virtual postcards with images of the sites you visit, or just check in and share photos with your friends. The apps also gives users a “digital passport” that gets new stamps as you check in at airports when you arrive and leave. This “passport” page, says Gogobot, is also meant to help users remember the places they have been to, as it also provides users with a full rundown of all their check-ins, postcards and arrival and departure dates.

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Read more : Gogobot Launches Its Redesigned iPhone Travel App, Hits 2M Registered Users

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