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Getting Rich By The Numbers, A CrunchBased How-To

Screen shot 2012-07-21 at 3.34.26 PM

Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post from Sameer Al-Sakran. Al-Sakran is a data scientist and machine learning specialist who was formerly the engineering manager at Imeem.

Hey kid, wanna get rich?

After watching “The Social Network” for the third time this weekend, are you feeling ready to create something truly world-changing and make a billion dollars? Have you just finished off an MBA and are looking for a job slightly more glamorous than traveling 364 days a year for a Big 3 consulting firm? Are you getting hit up for co-founder gigs in between gigs making web pages for dentists and want to know what white-hot area you should get into, if you did decide to live the dream?

We’ll you’re in luck. We’ve gone through CrunchBase (which is basically a National Treasure, or at least a treasure trove of data), and tallied up how well various company categories have done over the years.


If you have your heart set on a public offering, get into chips. Semiconductors that is. A full 8% of these types of hardware companies in CrunchBase ended up in IPO.

But, if you don’t know a transistor from a Macbook charger, maybe try drugs? Biotech companies were second with a good 5% IPOing. If you’re set on a software company, the common dictum is to stick to the Enterprise side of the equation; 2% of Enterprise software companies we’ve been tracking have IPOed — as opposed to under 1% of general software companies and even fewer web companies.

Acquisition Happy?

Maybe Sarbox has you scared and you just want a big check and a shiny new business card at an acquisitive giant conglomerate.
Semiconductors (20%), Security (14%) and Biotech (12%) companies led the way there. Just be careful … for every massive Instagram acquisition, many others were soft landings or acquihires. It might be rough going from ruling your own (small kingdom) to filling out TPS reports.

Total funding:

If you’re up on your self-improvement seminars and realize that the process is more important than the goal (or you just want to raise a bunch of money and have U2 play your launch party) then you can also raise funding. The average amounts of total financing raised by capital-intensive Cleantech, Biotech and Semiconductor companies were 25M, 15M and 14M respectively.

TechCrunch Coverage

Not into the whole material riches or success thing? Want to be famous but can’t hold a tune and have horrible hand-eye coordination? Well, if you want to make TechCrunch, you might want to start one of those web companies. Not shockingly, Web, Mobile and Gaming were the sectors most likely to be covered on TechCrunch with 14, 12 and 11% of CrunchBase companies getting at least one mention. At the bottom of the list was Biotech, with less than half a percent of Biotech startups getting any coverage.

The Losers

Which categories should you avoid? Consulting has only had 3% of companies started that end up acquired and less than 0.5% IPOs. And well, for all the current hullabaloo, Education has had 0 IPOs and a 1% acquisition rate. And in last place, Legal companies have also had 0 IPOs and a sub 1% acquisition rate, though the recent filing of LegalZoom should change that dire statistic.

* Caveats: All numbers are based on CrunchBase and are backwards looking. Also, there is a fair bit of survivor bias in the results, in that successful companies are more likely to be in the database.

Want the full gory details in Table-format? Well here you go:

Category # Started # Funded Total Raised # TC Posts # Acquisitions # IPOs % with TC Post % IPOd % Acquired % Funded % Exits Avg TC Mentions Avg Funding
Biotech 2787 1770 42392148000.0 43 332 143 0.43 5.13 11.91 63.51 75.42 0.015 15210674
Consulting 3330 176 2000996470.0 444 107 15 1.26 0.45 3.21 5.29 8.50 0.133 600900
Public relations 2531 468 6897740508.82 765 171 32 4.74 1.26 6.76 18.49 25.25 0.302 2725302
Network hosting 1782 340 7890561500.0 1375 154 22 7.46 1.23 8.64 19.08 27.72 0.772 4427925
Hardware 1726 613 11861465552.9 3274 139 81 6.03 4.69 8.05 35.52 43.57 1.897 6872228
Games video 3992 910 15679091274.7 3625 285 30 10.65 0.75 7.14 22.80 29.93 0.908 3927628
Legal 306 23 104130000.0 16 2 0 1.31 0.00 0.65 7.52 8.17 0.052 340294
Education 522 60 483148000.0 90 4 1 3.64 0.19 0.77 11.49 12.26 0.172 925571
Ecommerce 5383 868 10138187802.9 1587 188 16 5.67 0.30 3.49 16.12 19.62 0.295 1883371
Web 12830 2401 29196275951.2 14356 827 57 13.59 0.44 6.45 18.71 25.16 1.119 2275626
Search 1437 226 2650677500.0 4625 57 4 9.81 0.28 3.97 15.73 19.69 3.219 1844591
Mobile 4101 1099 20126154970.6 4263 275 34 12.66 0.83 6.71 26.80 33.50 1.040 4907621
Cleantech 1302 719 32756824176.5 192 72 39 5.53 3.00 5.53 55.22 60.75 0.147 25158851
Semiconductor 620 381 9230361000.0 27 119 51 2.74 8.23 19.19 61.45 80.65 0.044 14887679
Other 33068 2022 24143864737.6 2501 2325 101 2.46 0.31 7.03 6.11 13.15 0.076 730128
Advertising 3972 631 8246135294.12 996 221 15 6.39 0.38 5.56 15.89 21.45 0.251 2076066
Enterprise 2389 652 9878308400.0 993 257 41 9.29 1.72 10.76 27.29 38.05 0.416 4134914
Security 710 218 4120562000.0 135 96 12 6.76 1.69 13.52 30.70 44.23 0.190 5803608
Software 12405 3039 33055305629.4 3733 1101 110 4.89 0.89 8.88 24.50 33.37 0.301 2664676

Photo: Erik Dreyer/Getty Images

Read more : Getting Rich By The Numbers, A CrunchBased How-To

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