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Fly Or Die: Samsung Galaxy S III

Screen shot 2012-07-07 at 2.41.04 PM

I said in my review that the Samsung Galaxy S III is the phone you’ve been waiting for, and the same holds true in this latest episode of Fly Or Die. John and I took a look at the various specs, namely the NFC-style features and S-Voice, and we both walked away with a warm, fuzzy feeling.

To put it quite bluntly, the Galaxy S III is far and away the best Android phone you can buy today. Sure, the plastic back panel is a bit “chintzy,” as John would say, but that’s irrelevant when you look at the value in this phone.

NFC capabilities, including tap-to-share, TecTiles, etc. work very well, and are incredibly easy — so much so that I believe my mom would be able to use them (and that says a lot). The display is gorgeous, the camera is excellent, battery life can hang, and it’s running the latest version of Android on an LTE connection.

There isn’t much more you can ask for. Two flies.

Read more : Fly Or Die: Samsung Galaxy S III

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