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Enterproid’s “Divide” Mobile Platform Arrives On iOS To Keep Personal And Professional Profiles Separate


Enterproid, the enterprise mobile computing platform company whose name literally speaks to its roots in the Android ecosystem (“Droid!”), is making a big leap today with the introduction of Divide for iOS. Divide is the product that previously allowed Android users to configure a completely separate profile on their mobile devices for business use, which includes enterprise-grade versions of email applications, a web browser, IM, and SMS.

Obviously, the same level of deep integration is not possible on Apple devices, which is why Divide for iOS is bundled as a mobile app.

While the integration is not the same on a technical level, the iOS app is just as easy for an end user to access as Divide’s Android counterpart. Once you launch the app, you’re presented with a personalized workspace with “apps” for mail, contacts, calendar, Facebook, Box, LinkedIn, Salesforce, and more. The system supports Exchange, Lotus Notes and Gmail and the entire workspace can sit behind a separate PIN-protected screenlock for added security.

The apps, however, are not natively installed – they’re all in-app functions within the greater Divide application. But the results are the same – it’s a private workspace for managing your business data. On the I.T. side of things, admins can remotely manage this workspace, and can set it up and deploy apps to it from the cloud. And if the phone is lost or stolen, they can track, lock and wipe data from the device as well.

Pricing for Divide is $5/month per user, but there’s also a free plan for individuals who just want to use the app themselves for added security, or to simply keep their personal and business emails, calendars and contacts separate.

Enterproid, which was founded by former Morgan Stanley, MTV and Smule execs, raised a $11 million Series A round from Comcast Ventures, Google Ventures and Qualcomm Ventures back in October.

Read more : Enterproid’s “Divide” Mobile Platform Arrives On iOS To Keep Personal And Professional Profiles Separate

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