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BSKyB’s Now TV is available to download for Android now, no ICS or Galaxy S2 support on launch

TV Remote3 520x236 BSKyBs Now TV is available to download for Android now, no ICS or Galaxy S2 support on launch

Yesterday we brought you news on BSkyB’s Now TV launch, its much-anticipated subscription-free Internet TV service.

As we noted yesterday, the initial launch is restricted to Windows PCs, Macs and Android smartphones. Well, the Android app has finally hit Google Play, confirming what handsets it’s compatible with – HTC Desire, HTC Desire HD, HTC Desire S, HTC Incredible S and Samsung Galaxy S.

Interestingly, this is at odds with what was initially announced on the Now TV forum earlier today, with both the HTC Sensation and, crucially, the so-called iPhone-killing Samsung Galaxy S2 included on the list:

c5 520x237 BSKyBs Now TV is available to download for Android now, no ICS or Galaxy S2 support on launch

The inevitable drama that will unfold when you learn that Now TV doesn’t support Ice-Cream Sandwich (ICS) should be short-lived, as support for ICS (and more Android handsets) is set to be announced in the coming weeks.

d1 520x277 BSKyBs Now TV is available to download for Android now, no ICS or Galaxy S2 support on launch

However, the initial limitations are slightly puzzling, given that a maximum reach on launch would really help to generate buzz around this. As it stands, it’s likely to just inspire moans.

However, putting aside any Android gripes, we can confirm that Now TV does look like it will be a great product, and we really can’t wait for it to start rolling out on more devices. Following iOS later this month, we can expect YouView, Xbox, Roku, PS3 and more, making a pay-per-view BSkyB proposition very tasty indeed. Sky Sports will be landing on it later this year too, which we reckon is a game-changer.

Meanwhile, while you await Now TV to land on your iPhone and iPad later this month (and more Android devices, for that matter), you may be thinking about test-driving the desktop version. Well, here’s the lowdown.

When you sign-up, you’ll have to provide your bank details for any purchases to be charged against. Now, there is a free trial available, which doesn’t cover the Pay & Play titles. It only covers the £15/month Sky Movies Pass, which will automatically renew itself once the 30-day trial expires, unless you proactively cancel it, of course.

If you go for the Pay & Play options, you’ll pay anything between £0.99 and £3.99 per flick.

There is also a Sky Movies Pass live channels, which broadcast what is currently going out on Sky TV, though this is restricted to PC, Mac and Xbox 360 (when it eventually launches).

Now TV

Read more : BSKyB’s Now TV is available to download for Android now, no ICS or Galaxy S2 support on launch

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