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Boink Box Launches A “Birchbox For Adult Toys,” Looks To Liven Up Your Sex Life For $45 A Month

boink box

I’m not going to lie, I hate going into sex shops like Good Vibrations as much as the next geeky dude who still can’t get over the fact that we’re all adults and sex is something that pretty much everyone does — or attempts to do. They usually have pretty knowledgeable, friendly staff, which is awesome but can also be a little creepy when you’re asking for suggestions on a cock ring. (Uh, hypothetically.) And you know, there’s always sort of this feeling that you’re being watched by the other store patrons, which is probably true, because you’re also checking out whatever vibrator they’re checking out. It’s just a weird experience.

What if you didn’t have to go through that every time you wanted to try something new? What if sex toys just showed up at your door once a month for a fairly nominal fee? That’s what Boink Box is for. It’s bringing subscription commerce to the world of adult toys, promising its subscribers monthly packages of a variety of toys.

Let’s be clear: Boink Box isn’t for those times when you just really need a double dong. Like Birchbox, it’s all about trying out something new and getting exposed to products that you might not have bought for yourself. Boink Box sends subscribers curated collections of vibrators, binds and blindfolds, beads, ben-wa balls, eggs, lubricants and massage oils, and other adult fun “stuff,” sent in an attractive package, once a month.

Subscribers even specify what kind of toys they’d like to receive: There’s a “something for everyone” box, a box mostly for penises, and a box mostly for vaginas. Boink Box costs $45, which isn’t bad when you consider the price of sex toys these days. Or if they’re feeling really adventurous, you can sign up for an $85 “premium” box of sex toys.

On the business end, Boink Box works mostly as you’d expect. Founder Chris Dumas sources inventory from wholesalers and then packages up Boink Boxes and mails them out to customers. But he seeks to differentiate Boink Box by ensuring that all the toys sent out are high-quality and rated well. Because honestly, finding high-quality sex toys really isn’t as easy as it sounds. And in the same way your local CSA box will come with a list of ingredients and “recipes,” Boink Boxers can also expect a newsletter with ideas for new stuff to try out, based on whatever’s in that month’s box.

Dumas swung by the TechCrunch office to show off a sample box, and we were pretty impressed by the selection of stuff available — although everyone was a little squeamish about the giant butt plug. (Really guys?) Anyway, this being TechCrunch, we couldn’t help but offer suggestions for how to make Boink Box better. Josh Constine suggested Boink Box carry self-adhesive bondage tape for its future S&M box. Events guru Susan Hobbs suggested Boink Box partner with (pro-sex? sex-forward? sex-positive?) writers like Violet Blue or Midori for curated boxes of stuff. Meanwhile, Anthony Ha giggled at us all over at his desk.

The one big piece of feedback we did give was that, wow, getting a box like this every month could lead to someone having a lot of sex toys by the end of the year. Who needs that many? Dumas says the idea is all about trying something new, getting a box once a month for a romantic weekend, events like that. It’s like a surprise, opening up a “special” gift once a month. (And the packaging is really nice. Have I mentioned that already?) Anyway, if subscribers reach the point of sex toy fatigue, they can unsubscribe at any time. Simple as that.

We all know about my love for subscription commerce. I’m a sucker for having stuff mailed to me once a month, whether it be tasty treats, underwear, clothes that someone else picks out for me, whatever. So Boink Box is an idea I can really get behind. Try it out, at Or, you can leave immature comments below because you’re not getting laid and can’t imagine why anyone would need this. Your choice.

Read more : Boink Box Launches A “Birchbox For Adult Toys,” Looks To Liven Up Your Sex Life For $45 A Month

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