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AT&T To Roll Out New Shared Data Plans Up To 20GB Beginning Late August

AT&T Wi-Fi

Just over a month after Verizon announced its shared data plans, AT&T is announcing its own today. Still no word on whether they will charge iPhone users to FaceTime over a cellular connection, though.

Starting next month AT&T customers will be able to switch over to a shared mobile data plan. Plans start at 1GB a month for $40 plus $45 per device up to 20GB for $200 plus $30 per device. The new plans won’t affect AT&T’s current device upgrade policy and existing customers who wish to switch over to a shared data plan can do so without fear of extending their contract. Grandfathered unlimited data plans are not being wiped out either in case you were wondering. (Take that, Verizon!)

The new plans offer everything you’ve come to expect from AT&T data plans, including voice and messaging. Hotspot and tethering are also included in the buckets of data. All manner of device whether it’s a dongle, laptop, or even tablet are eligible for the new shared data plans but one device must be a smartphone. Your device total per plan caps out at ten devices, however.

For example, if you’re looking at the 20GB data plan, you’ll have to fork over $200 a month plus an additional $30 per smartphone for a grand total of $230 a month. Add a basic dumb phone for $30/month, a laptop or dongle for $20/month and an additional $10/month for a tablet or gaming device and so on.

Anyone switching over?

Read more : AT&T To Roll Out New Shared Data Plans Up To 20GB Beginning Late August

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