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Yer A Wizard, Sony: PlayStation Introduces Wonderbook, The AR Ebook For Kids Complete With Harry Potter Content


Although the vast majority of Sony gaming content is focused on adult/teen titles, a new title called Wonderbook is particularly interesting. Using an augmented-reality book, kids can turn pages and watch themselves and the book animated on the screen. They’re creating educational and gaming content, including unique science and history stories.

Arguably these are little more than a big-screen series of tablet ebooks, but with the addition of content by J.K. Rowling and others this Sony effort shows a definite push towards younger gamers. The title, called Book of Spells, brings interactive fiction to the TV and allows you to turn the pages of a “real” spellbook complete with moral poems at the end.

The book also interacts with the PlayStation Move wand to allow you to cast spells on the book in real life.

Read more : Yer A Wizard, Sony: PlayStation Introduces Wonderbook, The AR Ebook For Kids Complete With Harry Potter Content

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