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Twitter Launches Tailored Trends Based On Your Location And Who You Follow


Twitter just announced that it will now personalize its trending topics section based on your location and who you follow. This update, says Twitter, will ensure that the trending topics list will now “show emerging topics that matter more to you.” You will still be able to switch back to the standard, non-personalized view and see what’s trending in a specific city or country (or worldwide), but the tailored trends will become the default. Twitter is currently rolling this feature out to all of its users, but this will be a gradual roll-out, so it may take a little bit before these updated trending topics appear in your account.

Twitter notes that the personalized trends are coming to both its web app and its mobile apps.

The company, of course, has been tinkering quite a bit with more personalized features lately, including with its recent updates to the Discover tab that first made its debut in December.

While the trending topics list was always a rather interesting feature to look at, it’s probably not much of a stretch to say that it wasn’t a very useful feature for most users. While it’s always good to know what’s happening in the world of Justin Bieber, it’s probably far more interesting to hear about what your actual friends are talking about. One thing the trending topics section was always good at, though, was highlighting breaking news events. Chances are, though, this won’t change with today’s update, as your friends and the people around will likely still tweet about these events anyway.

Read more : Twitter Launches Tailored Trends Based On Your Location And Who You Follow

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