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Twitter Is Down, But Where Is The Fail Whale?

Screen shot 2012-06-21 at 12.53.55 PM

In what’s sure to piss off most news readers and general web-perusing enthusiasts, Twitter has gone down. We’ve heard reports that it’s been down for the last fifteen minutes, and without access to Twitter, it’s tough to say whether or not the company has given any updates.

A quick visit to shows that the site is down across the boards, and of course visiting offers up the same results.

What’s strange is that the usual Fail Whale is missing.

We’ve checked in on Twitter’s blog site and found that they’ve made no mention of the matter yet, but we did see this:

We’re reaching out now to see what exactly the problem is.

The good news is that Twitter’s Mobile site seems to be up and running, so if you’re really desperate to get your Tweet on, get it done on your phone. On the other hand, the iOS app is offering up no joy at the moment.

We’ll keep you updated as we go.

Read more : Twitter Is Down, But Where Is The Fail Whale?

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