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Top Trends of 2012: Video on Tablets

One in every ten tablet users views video content almost daily on their device, according to a new report by comScore. The study also found that tablet users are nearly three times more likely to watch video on their device compared to smartphone users.

Nearly one in four smartphone owners now owns a tablet, according to comScore. That’s an increase of 13.9 percentage points since a year ago.

comScore’s statistics are reflective of the rapid growth in the tablet market, since the iPad was launched two years ago. In her presentation on Internet trends this month, Kleiner Perkins analyst Mary Meeker showed that growth in iPad sales per quarter has been three times that of iPhones. While that’s partly due to Apple’s dominance in the tablet market, it’s also an indication that tablets have been adopted by consumers much faster than smartphones. The iPhone was released in 2007, but it took mobile apps and mobile websites at least a few years to mature. Tablet apps on the other hand, and in particular iPad apps, have matured much faster.

Another telling statistic from Meeker’s presentation is the growth of tablet and eReader ownership. 29% of US adults now own one of those devices, up from 2% just three years ago.

The lesson in all of this? Video apps for tablets are an area of tremendous potential. It explains why there is such interest from Facebook in social video apps like Viddy and Socialcam. Facebook knows video is going to be crucial in the coming years, which is why it is sniffing around Viddy – a potential Instagram for video.

The biggest video site on the planet, YouTube, is already adapting to the fast-emerging tablet market for content. Over the coming months on ReadWriteWeb, we’ll be profiling other growth stories in tablet video. Stay tuned!

Read more : Top Trends of 2012: Video on Tablets

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