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This Fanless Heatsink Is The Next Generation In CPU Cooling


CPU fans have a certain steampunkian quality to them. They’re loud, annoying, and collect all sorts of debris as they run, whirring endlessly and eventually failing. This new heatsink – more like an impeller coupled with a brushless motor – is the latest in heatsink technology and promises quiet and efficient heatsinkery in the future.

Built by Sandia, this cooling system could cool CPUs or even lighting. Because it consists of only three pieces – the fins, the base, and a motor – the headsink could offer maintenance free cooling for years. It actually blows dust out of its own crevices as it spins and with the right calculations you could make this bigger or smaller for various implementations.

The model shown here is 30 times more efficient than current coolers and 10% smaller.

To see the heatsink in action, fast forward to about 2:30 and watch how this puppy whirrs. You can read more about the impeller at

via Extremetech

Read more : This Fanless Heatsink Is The Next Generation In CPU Cooling

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