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This Extended Galaxy S III Ad Will Pull On Your Technological Heart Strings

Screen shot 2012-06-26 at 4.25.26 PM

The Samsung Galaxy S III is the phone you’ve been waiting for (per our review), and you may be waiting a bit longer due to some slight shortages on GSIII supply, but luckily this extended version of the ad can coddle us through this very difficult period.

This is the most emotional portrayal of gadgetry I’ve ever seen out of Samsung. We’ve watched the Galaxy Note turn life into a party, and snickered at Apple fanbois. Most recently, we even saw Samsung go a little more bare bones, simply talking up features, kind-of-sort-of-maybe conjuring up images of Apple’s iPhone commercials? Maybe?

Either way, this one is sure to pull on your little heart strings, and it couldn’t play up the awesome and varied features of the phone any better. The ad is about two minutes long, running through romantic portrayals of S Beam being used in a proposal, S Voice being used in the kitchen (which is smart, but it’s also drowned out by the music so it doesn’t show it off that well), and Smart Stay letting a father and daughter fall asleep together on the couch.

“It understands you,” they say. Well, I don’t know about that (women can be complex), but I do know that all of these features are about as easy and seamless as the commercial shows, which is more than I can say for Apple’s Siri commercials (though who can resist Zooey Deschanel?).


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