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The Zend Developer Pulse. Now with 100% More Beer!

For the second quarter in a row, Zend has surveyed PHP developers asking the usual marketing types of questions. You can read the results in the Zend Developer Pulse Summer 2012. Some of the topics they cover are pretty interesting and all the graphs are very pretty.

I won’t spoil any of it by giving away the ending but here are some of the things they look at:

  • Developers and the App Economy
  • APIs Go Mainstream
  • A Focus on Quality in Development
  • PHP Growth & Adoption
  • Developers and Beer – A Perfect Match

Don’t just scroll to the last one, read the whole thing. it’s interesting research!

Here’s the opening written by Zend’s CEO, Andi Gutmans.

To our readers . . .
Last year, we created Zend Developer Pulse™ in order to ‘take the pulse’ of developers who create software, one of the most innovative and fastest-growing industries in the world today. Zend is blessed to work with a vibrant community of 5 million PHP developers worldwide, enabling us to field a survey with more than 3,000 responses. This time, our community helped us unearth important information on how PHP applications are being used in the cloud. We are pleased to share with you a summary of survey findings in the report that follows.

If you are not already familiar with Zend, we are the leading provider of solutions to build and deploy business-critical web applications using PHP, which powers more than one-third of the web and provides foundational technology for such widely-used commercial apps as Drupal, Facebook, Magento, Wikipedia, WordPress and Zynga. Zend serves a customer base of 40,000 clients, who are building enterprise applications at Best Buy, Bell Helicopter, eBay, France Telecom, NYSE Euronext, United Business Media and other many organizations.

Thank you for your time. We welcome your feedback as we begin planning our next survey.

Andi Gutmans
CEO and co-founder
Zend Technologies

Ok, so I will include a spoiler, the last section talks about one of the PHP Community’s favorite topics, beer! To end things on a lighter note, they asked the survey respondents how they felt about beer. To no one’s real surprise, 80% of developers are in favor of beer. I was surprised that 12% identified themselves as home brewers. Given the number of beer aficionados in the PHP community, the fact that 80% favor beer isn’t surprising. The list of the top 5 favorite beers however, is sparking a few discussions on twitter. To get the list though, you’ve got to click through and download the Zend Developer Pulse Summer 2012.

Read more : The Zend Developer Pulse. Now with 100% More Beer!

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