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TC Mini Meetup Philly: The Recap


Oh what a night.

The TechCrunch Mini Meetup in Philadelphia has officially come to a close, but it will surely live on in our hearts and minds. (At least for those of us who were sober enough to still remember it.)

We had some appearances from NextDocs, TheWhoot and SnipSnap, a former Disrupt battlefield company. Folks flew in from all over — we even had a startup called drop down from Toronto — and generally speaking the experience was a happy one.

As you can see from the gallery below, there was an abundance of alcoholic beverages and tom-geekery. The same will be true for our Southeast Meetup tour which kicks off in about three weeks. So if you’re going to be in the Atlanta, Savannah, Charlotte, Raleigh, or Greenville area make sure to RSVP and join in on the fun.

Thanks to all of our wonderful sponsors for making last night happen, and thanks to all of the attendees who found the time to come out and talk tech in Philly.

Special thanks to Lisa, below, who came from working with babies at a local hospital to help run the door as a volunteer. She’s told us she loved gadgets and tech and read TechCrunch on her phone while doing her rounds. Please don’t read us in surgery.

Read more : TC Mini Meetup Philly: The Recap

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