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Sony’s Jack Tretton: PS Vita Will Get Hulu Plus And Crackle Apps “Soon”


Like Microsoft did in their own press conference earlier today, Sony was quick to point out that their consoles aren’t just gaming gadgets — they’re great for consuming media too.

To further cement that point, Sony Computer Entertainment America chief Jack Tretton just revealed that Hulu Plus and Crackle streaming video apps will soon find their way to the PS Vita.

Hulu Plus and Crackle have been present and accounted for on the PS3 since 2010 and 2011 respectively, and their move to the Vita is part of a concerted shift to expand the PlayStation media environment across its multiple arms. The company just recently announced that a YouTube application would debut on the Vita at the end of this month, but Tretton offered no further detail on when these new apps will see the light of day.

Still, considering that Hulu Plus and Crackle are joining an established set of media apps (think Netflix, Flickr, and Nico Nico) Sony is intent on making their mobile gaming device shine where competitors like the 3DS can’t — for now anyway. Hulu Plus recently made its Wii debut, and Hulu has maintained that a 3DS version is in the works though we’ve seen neither hide nor hair of it so far. A strong media ecosystem is only part of the equation though as these devices will rise and fall on the strength of their game portfolios, and it seems Sony is working to deliver some novel tidbits on that front too.

Read more : Sony’s Jack Tretton: PS Vita Will Get Hulu Plus And Crackle Apps “Soon”

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