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SocialFlow Lets Marketers Double-Down On Popular Tweets With Real-Time Analytics


SocialFlow was founded to help brands manage their messaging on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. For $99 a month, it has a platform that provides a proprietary algorithms to determine when a company should send a particular message out, based on its content, and automatically Tweets it out or updates the company’s Facebook page. For social marketers, this Optimized Publisher thing it sells can be a godsend.

But now SocialFlow is going a step further by helping brands determine which Tweets that have already been sent out would be good to spend money on to promote. It does so by measuring the engagement of the audience in real-time — including the number of clicks a message is receiving, the number of RTs, and the number of new followers that it has gotten — and letting the brand know if it’s a good value to promote that Tweet. If it is, an icon will show up in the dashboard’s published archive to signal they should buy, buy, buy.

SocialFlow CEO Frank Speiser told me that the idea is to leverage the audience that is already built up around a message and to amplify it. “We already know it’s a resonant message, so let’s double down on that,” he said. Insert marketing speak here: In other words, it leverages a mix of earned and paid media to maximize the return of the company’s social channel.

It’s just one more trick for New York City-based SocialFlow, which came out of Betaworks, and raised $7 million from Softbank, RRE Ventures, Betaworks, High Line Venture Partners, AOL Ventures, SV Angel, and some individual angels last year. And with the acquisition of other social media marketing platforms like Buddy Media and Vitrue, by Salesforce and Oracle, respectively, it seems like a good time to be in the business.

Read more : SocialFlow Lets Marketers Double-Down On Popular Tweets With Real-Time Analytics

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