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Snapguide Raises $5M From CrunchFund, Atlas And Index To Reinvent ‘How To’ Guides

Screen Shot 2012-06-18 at 8.53.13 AM

Founded by former Yahoo and Google employees Daniel Raffel and Steve Krulewitz, iOS app Snapguide is announcing a $5 million Series A raise this morning, from investors Atlas Venture, Index and Michael Arrington’s* Crunchfund. This financing comes after a modest $2 million seed round.

Snapguide’s simple UI makes it easy for users to build “How-To” guides via iPhone. Co-founder Raffel tells me that already the company has had 10K guides created since its launch this March, with millions of unique views spread among them.

The company is currently working on partnerships with “major” brands. We’ve also heard independently that the company received several acquisition rumors, but decided to raise capital and expand instead.

“We’re excited to double down on Snapguide and will be using this money to grow our engineering, design and editorial teams,” Raffel tells me, on how the company will be using the money, “We are weeks away from a major website overhaul and are also currently working on a big mobile app update.”

When asked if that app update included iOS, Raffel told me that the company is currently “focused on iOS.” Sign of the times?

*Disclosure: In case you’ve spent the past six years under a rock, Arrington is also the founder of this blog.

Read more : Snapguide Raises $5M From CrunchFund, Atlas And Index To Reinvent ‘How To’ Guides

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