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Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning Hint At The Future Of Airtime [TCTV]

As of today’s launch Airtime is a one-on-one video chat network, but what about tomorrow? Co-founders Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning tell us “it’d be pretty cool” if Airtime became an app platform. The former Napster founders wouldn’t rule out the possibility of photo-sharing on Airtime either.

During the star-studded launch party we also got the stunning Olivia Munn, former host of Attack Of The Show, talking about whether Airtime’s just for geeks, or if your grandma’s going to get onboard.

Munn, who’s featured in Aaron Sorkin’s new HBO drama The Newsroom, said she sees Airtime having serious mainstream appeal. Her mom doesn’t quite get Skype, but Airtime is easier since there’s nothing to download. I think I made her a little uncomfortable asking about whether people would have fully-consenting cybersex on Airtime, but she did describe the founders as loving guys.

One thing Parker and Fanning don’t have love for is retreading old problems. While they hinted that any type of stored content might one day be sharable on Airtime, we shouldn’t expect it to become some ‘real-time Instagram’. Parker concluded:

“It seems like the right thing to do is tackle problems other people aren’t working on. Part of the challenge of being an entrepreneur, if you’re going for a really huge opportunity, is trying to find problems that aren’t quite on the radar yet and try to solve those.”

For more on Airtime, check out our coverage:

Face To Face: How Airtime Will Re-Humanize The Internet
Airtime Launches A Video Chat Network That’s The New Place To Hangout Online
Startup Launch As Celebrity Bonanza: Airtime’s Ritzy, Glitzy, Glitchy Debut

and for an idea of how epic the Airtime launch party was, here’s a picture of Parker and Fanning on stage with Olivia Munn, Joel McHale, Jim Carrey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Ed Helms:

Read more : Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning Hint At The Future Of Airtime [TCTV]

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