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Rewind.Me Lets You Explore Your Digital History, Then Rewards You For It

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Technology is all about looking to the future, but with so many different virtual identities and social networks it’s tough to keep track of who you’ve spoken with and where you’ve been. The Rewind.Me iOS app, however, lets you dive into your past experiences by pulling in your social network data and organizing it for you.

The idea is simple. Imagine you went to a delicious Greek restaurant in March around one mile from your apartment but you can’t seem to remember where it is. Rewind.Me imports your entire Foursquare history and makes it searchable by date, location, and category. You have the option to search by distance (1 mile), category (Greek restaurants), and date (March, 2012).
You also have the option to search nearby based on where friends have visited, and scroll through a calendar view of places your friends have visited in the past.

Version 1.0 only integrates with Foursquare, but the idea is that Rewind will integrate with all of your social networks and services to paint a comprehensive picture of not only your past virtual experiences, but most often, your real life experiences.

Other filters could be added, including friend filters and content type filters (video, image, link, message, etc.) allowing you to reflect on an entire twitter history with a certain friend or revisit a catalog of Instagram photos of you on the beach.

The app doesn’t just activate that lovely nostalgia, but it drives consumer behavior. Why wouldn’t you want to return to places you enjoyed in the past?

Plus, Rewind will offer users rewards from brands and advertisers based on their past activities. After opting in to it, Rewind rates the activity and intensity of the user across 300 different categories. Brands, such as Victoria’s Secret, Warby Parker, BirchBox and Uber, can then use that information to reward their most loyal customers.

Rewind.Me on Tuesday secured $800K in seed funding lead by First Round Capital, joined by TechStars, New World Ventures, KBS+P Ventures, Silicon Alley Venture Partners, and angels Esther Dyson, Erik Jansen, Barry Silbert, Jon Peachey, Greg Cangialosi, Ed Zimmerman, Greg Raifman, and Josh Guttman.

Here’s a quick tour of the app, which you can download now in the Apple App Store:

Check out all of the cool stuff that came out of TechStars NYC Demo Day here.

Read more : Rewind.Me Lets You Explore Your Digital History, Then Rewards You For It

Posted in Startups, Web.

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