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[Review] Airtime vs. Chatroulette: The Tamer Social Serendipity that Nobody Really Wants

It may sound like a forgettable combo of two Apple products, but a new service from the minds behind Napster has much more in common with the chaotic social petri dish known as Chatroulette than anything out of Cupertino. But can Airtime hit a social sweet spot we didn’t even know we had – or is this just another blip in the ill-fated trajectory of social discovery apps that aren’t explicitly about sex?

Talk to Someone

Having spent the last day and a half with Airtime, it’s been an interesting splash into quasi-anonymous social waters. Airtime is built on top of Facebook’s social graph, but it pries open that formula a bit if you have the taste for virtual adventure that Sean Parker thinks the Web is devoid of. You can stick with a sidebar stocked with the people you know (dull) or spin the wheel and chat up a stranger, who will pop up in your window based on Airtime’s algorithm of mutual friends and shared interests. Talking to strangers not compelling enough on its own? Rack up “points” through an achievement system that blends a Guitar Hero

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