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Pinterest Ponders A San Francisco Home


The tech boom is causing some sort of startup musical chairs: As Twitter moves out of its office today on 795 Folsom to move into a new space at 1355 Market St in San Francisco, our neighbor Yammer joins them, eventually moving out of its abode on the third floor of our 410 Townsend building, leaving the 30,000 square foot area open for the taking …

Rumors have being flying around the building that Pinterest is interested in the space (and/or taking over most of the building), and those rumors got a little bit more backup when I personally saw Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann hanging out outside our building with a bunch of suits yesterday as I walked in to work, suits who I’m now assuming are somehow related to PMI Management, the owners of 410 Townsend.

I’ve since confirmed with a good source that Pinterest is indeed moving out of its Palo Alto office at 635 High Street, and is looking at spaces both in SF and down south, with nothing finalized yet. Last time we checked, the much-buzzed about startup had around thirty employees, with many others hoping to join.

It seems like the social curation startup has been busy putting the $100 million it just raised from Japanese ecommerce company Rakutan to good use talent-wise, hiring both Tim Kendall and Barry Schnitt away from Facebook with (inevitably) more big hires on the way.

Now to make room for them all.

Read more : Pinterest Ponders A San Francisco Home

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