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Now Available Cross-Platform, iMessage Has More Than 140M Users, With Over 1B Message Sent A Day.

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A little over a year after it’s debut, Apple’s Scott Forstall revealed today that Apple’s SMS killer iMessage now has 140 million users, and has sent over 150 billion messages, with over 1 billion a day.

Forstall also revealed that Twitter has seen a 3x growth increase in iOS users since it’s integration was announced a year ago. 10 billion tweets now from iOS 5 and 47 percent of all photos on Twitter come from iOS 5.

He also went into the fact that 84 of top 100 social apps are now pushing notifications, with 7 billion push notifications happening every single day and one 1.5 trillion push notifications in sum total.

The iMessage numbers in particular are set to growth after this latest release, as Apple revealed that you will now be able to receive iMessage on your Mac with Mountain Lion in addition to your iPad.


Read more : Now Available Cross-Platform, iMessage Has More Than 140M Users, With Over 1B Message Sent A Day.

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