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No More Wall Wart: Apple Reveals New Airport Express Base Station

Screen Shot 2012-06-11 at 6.28.52 PM

Apple isn’t always so forthcoming with certain product announcements. I guess it’s their version of an Easter Egg? Like the Mac Pro update and death of the 17-inch MacBook Pro, they also updated the Airport Express Base Station.

It looks a lot like the Apple TV but it’s white and no longer requires you to plug it directly into the wall. The new Express Base Station supports simultaneous dual-band 802.11n and AirPlay all for $99. Maybe I’m missing something but it appears that this is just a cosmetic change with the addition of another ethernet port.

Apple’s AirPort Utility iOS app (iPhone, iPad) was also updated today to support the new Express base station and IPv6.

Read more : No More Wall Wart: Apple Reveals New Airport Express Base Station

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