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Nexus 7 Coming to the UK Mid-July

Nexus 7 Tablet

The 8 GB version of Google’s Nexus 7 will be arriving on UK shores mid-July, while the 16 GB variant will become available July 27, Engadget reports citing sources from Asus.

Why the difference in release dates? Well, the 8 GB version of the tablet will be sold exclusively through Google Play for £159 ($247). The 16 GB version will cost £199 ($309) and will be available at retail stores such as PC World, Comet, Tesco and eBuyer.

One of the first retailers to officially confirm the news is Carphone Warehouse, which says the device will be available either for £199.99 standalone or for free on a tethered contact.

More About: Google, Nexus 7, uk

Read more : Nexus 7 Coming to the UK Mid-July

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