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Microsoft’s Greek Headquarters Attacked By Arsonists

A police investigator gathers evidence following an attack on Microsoft's Greek headquarters at Marousi suburb, north of Athens

[Insert distasteful joke here regarding Windows Phone 7 lack of upgrade path to WinPhone 8]

Athens saw daylight a little earlier than normal today. At approximately 4:45 AM local time, arsonists rammed a van laden with gas cans into the front of Microsoft’s Greek HQ and set it ablaze. According to a Reuters’ report, the security guards were held at gunpoint, but also away from the fire. No one was injured in the attack.

Videos and pictures show Microsoft’s HQ are still intact although heavily damaged. “Staff were told not to come to work today, and probably also tomorrow,”Lia Komninou, Microsoft spokeswoman, said on Skai TV today.

The police have not yet named suspects.

[Something something something people still sore over Windows Vista]

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