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LeVar Burton Hands-On With The New Reading Rainbow App [TCTV]

Screen shot 2012-06-19 at 10.34.53 PM

As you may have read minutes ago here on TechCrunch, there’s a brand new iPad app on the market that brings the best of the Reading Rainbow show that many of us loved so much as kids to the current generation of budding bookworms.

So it was a real treat to have LeVar Burton, the super popular film and television actor and director who was also — of course — the host of the long-running Reading Rainbow show on PBS swing by TechCrunch TV to give us the first-hand pitch on the app that he helped to develop.

Watch the video above to get the full rundown on why digital apps are the new frontier for projects like Reading Rainbow, keeping a book-like feel in a high-tech device like the iPad, how he first connected with his co-founder Mark Wolfe, how being an tech entrepreneur compares to a successful career in entertainment, and a hands-on demo from Burton himself of the brand new Reading Rainbow app.

Read more : LeVar Burton Hands-On With The New Reading Rainbow App [TCTV]

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