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Let Them Eat Cake? Yammer’s Price Tag May Be About $1.4 Billion


Benchmark Capital general partner Bill Gurley tipped an interesting price point for a potential Yammer deal.

He asked on-stage whether it was $1.4 billion to the co-head of Goldman Sachs’ global telecommunications, media and technology investment banking unit Anthony Noto tonight at the F.ounders conference in New York. Noto declined to comment. Benchmark is not an investor in Yammer, although many others including Founders Fund, Charles River Ventures, Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Khosla Ventures are.

We’re hearing from other sources that the talks with Microsoft are serious. If the deal does go down as soon as tomorrow (as reported by Bloomberg), Yammer’s CEO David Sacks will have something to celebrate at his now infamous 40th birthday party. We have heard that he’s invited 1,000 people, sending them cupcakes and a copy of “Marie Antoinette” as an invite — in line with an 18th century costume party theme.

The invitation said, “Let Him Eat Cake.”

What Spanish bailout?

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