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HTC Confirms Wi-Fi Connection Issues In Some Tegra 3-Powered One Xs


I can’t imagine most U.S. HTC fans were glad to hear that AT&T’s version of the One X would go without the quad-core Tegra 3 chipset, but now it seems as though they’ve dodged quite the bullet.

Earlier today, HTC acknowledged that some of their Tegra-packing flagship devices were having issues with latching onto a Wi-Fi signal and announced that they’ve put together a fix for it.

Sadly, it’ll take more than a software update to remedy the issue (and besides, they already tried that). As the phone buffs on the xda-developer forums surmised, the issue in question was apparently due to a loose connection between the device and its Wi-Fi antenna — a hypothesis they tested by squeezing the device and watching the signal indicator light up.

According to a statement released by HTC, their fix “strengthens the area of the phone around the WiFi antennae connection points.” They’ll be implementing the hardware fix in their production process going forward, though that doesn’t help people who have already purchased their One Xs much. For those affected users, the best bet is to call HTC’s customer service line where a representative will verify that the device is question is faulty and will walk users through the replacement process.

The company has remained tight-lipped about how many devices are affected — their official statement refers to “isolated reports” — though hopefully not too many people are having to deal with some sketchy Wi-Fi. After all, HTC isn’t quite through their rough patch just yet, and a flaw in their flagship Android device may not bode well for their precious brand image.

Read more : HTC Confirms Wi-Fi Connection Issues In Some Tegra 3-Powered One Xs

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