Sometimes Zend Framework blogger Henry Hayes has written a very detailed explanation of Zend Framework’s new implementation of browscap in his blog titled “Zend Framework UserAgent Browscap Implementation“. Previously Hayes had posted on the topic of Zend UserAgent Wurfl Explained but with the coming release of Zend Framework 1.12 and the remove of Wurfl due to licensing issues, he had to explain the new way of doing things. Actually, in this latest post ays gives Zend Framework developers not one but two different ways to use browscap in their applications.
Recently it has come to light that Zend Framework are dropping support for the WurflApi Features Adapter in the Zend_Http_UserAgent component. This is due to licensing issues.
As of version 1.12 Zend_Http_UserAgent_Mobile constant DEFAULT_FEATURES_ADAPTER_CLASSNAME now specifies that Zend_Http_UserAgent_Features_Adapter_Browscap is now the default mobile adapter.
This is a long and well thought out blog post with lots of code to cut-n-paste..not that anyone would do that. if you work with Zend Framework 1 then it is definitely worth a read.
While I did not steal it from him, my good friend Chris Cornutt beat me to the punch by posting this earlier today on (If you don’t read on a regular basis, you should.)
Read more : Henry Hayes explains Zend Framework UserAgent Browscap Implementation
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