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HBO Go App Lands On The Kindle Fire


Ok, so HBO won’t sell its streaming, on-demand video service as a standalone service to cord cutters and other folks who don’t want to pay a premium for it. We’ve established that. But for those of you who do subscribe to HBO through the typical cable channels, the cable network continues to add new devices and platforms that support HBO GO.

The latest device to get the app is Amazon’s Kindle Fire. HBO announced Wednesday morning that subscribers will now be able to access all its original programming, as well as movies that the network has licensed. In total, that’s more than 1,400 titles, including every episode of popular series, past and present, like Game of Thrones and The Sopranos. (It also released a promo video to show off the app — see below)

For HBO, the latest app release is just part of a larger strategy of getting on as many devices as possible, enabling subscribers HBO GO from tablets and mobile devices, as well as on streaming boxes and connected TVs, and last but not least, on PCs through their web browsers. By doing so, HBO hopes to give viewers a reason to keep paying for the cable network on top of their basic cable subscriptions.

Read more : HBO Go App Lands On The Kindle Fire

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