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Fred Wilson Talks NYC’s Tech Scene, The Effect Of Angel Investors, And More [TCTV]


If you want to learn more about the booming tech startup scene in New York City, it doesn’t get much better than talking to Fred Wilson. Wilson has emerged as perhaps the most recognizable figure of the New York tech world, through his 25-year career as a venture capitalist (currently he’s a partner at venture capital firm Union Square Ventures) and also through his very popular “A VC” blog.

So, TechCrunch TV was glad to have the chance to sit down with Wilson last week after he came offstage from his fireside chat with TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington at the Disrupt NYC conference. Watch the video above to hear his thoughts on the rise of angel and seed investing, how the Facebook IPO is impacting the larger ecosystem, the importance of geography when it comes to building a tech business, and more.

Read more : Fred Wilson Talks NYC’s Tech Scene, The Effect Of Angel Investors, And More [TCTV]

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