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Former Brightcove TV Guy Eric Elia Joins UX Design And Development Firm Cainkade As President


User design and development firm Cainkade just added a new hire to help ramp up its business. Eric Elia, the former VP of TV solutions at Brightcove, will be joining the team as president, reuniting with a number of folks he worked with during his days at Comcast.

Cainkade is a newish user experience design and development firm that specializes in building apps for tablets and mobile devices, as well as some connected TV work. While less than two years old, the 12-person Cainkade team has worked on some notable projects, including the Showtime Social and Interview mag iPad apps, in addition to the Daily Beast website.

At Brightcove, Elia helped found the company’s professional services business, for customers that wanted more than just a self-serve platform for video delivery. He later transitioned to the TV solutions business, where he worked with companies like Showtime to make their videos available online to viewers. He was at Brightcove for more than seven years, but decided it was time for something new after the company went public.

Elia knows a lot of the Cainkade folks — including founder and CTO Jeremy Landis — from his time at Comcast, where he was part of its Silicon Valley development team. There he helped to build the consumer-facing web portal for the cable company. In addition to Comcast, members of Cainkade have also spent time at some well-respected agencies, including Code & Theory. The team is hoping to leverage Elia’s experience and media world connections as it embarks on new projects.

Read more : Former Brightcove TV Guy Eric Elia Joins UX Design And Development Firm Cainkade As President

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