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First Pics Of The Redesigned MacBook Pro


Apple unveiled the next generation of the MacBook Pro today. Encased in a thinner chassis, this MacBook Pro is a serious machine with a Core i7 CPU, a Retina display and reported seven hour battery life.

The new models hit the Apple Stores today but Apple had several on display here at the Moscone Center today. However, they’re behind glass, not allowing for many snap judgments or pretty pictures. But there shouldn’t be many surprises with this new model. It seems to be housed in a similar, albeit a bit thinner casing than that of the outgoing MacBook Pro.

Prices start at $2199 for a 2.3GHz Core i7, 8GB of RAM and GeForce GT 650 but of course can skyrocket once upgrades are selected. And since they ship today, you can probably hit up your local Apple Store maybe as soon as today for a little hands-on action yourself.

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Read more : First Pics Of The Redesigned MacBook Pro

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