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Enrico Zimuel talks about Zend Framework 2 Quick Start at DPC12

I was privileged to once again attend the Dutch PHP Conference this year and while I was there I got to meet a new friend, Enrico Zimuel. After apologizing for misspelling his name – I now just have a standard apology printed on cards that I hand out, it saves time – I got to know him a little better and confirmed my suspicions, he’s a real nice guy.

While I didn’t get to attend his talk, “A quick start on Zend Framework 2″ I did hear a lot of people talking about ti afterwards and everyone enjoyed it. Well not everyone, the symfony developers who attended it didn’t get much out of it…wonder why? :)

Here is the abstract for the talk.

In this talk we will present a simple web application built with Zend Framework 2. We will show the new features of the framework, such as the new MVC layer, the Event Manager, the Dependency Injection and much more. The aim of this talk is how to start programming with the new architecture of ZF2. Moreover, we will show the differences with the version 1 of the framework and how to migrate applications from ZF1 to ZF2.

While I know for sure that the audio of the talk will eventually be released on DPC Radio, you can see his slides for the talk now.

You can also visit the page on, “A quick start on Zend Framework 2″.

Read more : Enrico Zimuel talks about Zend Framework 2 Quick Start at DPC12

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