Whoever designed the Flame malware that’s been found infecting computers across the Middle East clearly doesn’t want it analyzed.
Servers controlling the virus sent a self-destruct command designed to clear any trace of the code from infected computers, computer security firm Symantec, which has been studying Flame, noted in a blog post this week.
As with other similar cyberattacks, Flame’s authors run the malware via Command and Control, or C&C, servers, according to the BBC. Some of those servers have fallen into the control of Symantec and other security firms — trophies of victories won in the behind-the-scenes war being fought between cybersecurity firms and malware designers –… Continue reading…
More About: cybersecurity, flame, malware, trending, US, virus, World
Read more : Did the World’s Nastiest Virus Try to Self-Destruct?
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