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Daily deals, but better ones: Mindwork Labs lands $780,000 to jumpstart

Photoxpress 7797871 520x245 Daily deals, but better ones: Mindwork Labs lands $780,000 to jumpstart

London-based Mindwork Labs is trying to make the daily deals you receive from across the Web more relevant to you, and has secured £500,000 (roughly $780,000) to make it happen under the name, a domain they’ve just purchased from Marchex for an undisclosed amount.

The money comes from UK entrepreneur Mark Pearson of MyVoucherCodes fame and will be used to turn into a ‘global deals website and marketing platform’ according to the Mindwork Labs blog post.

The connection: Mindwork Labs founder and CEO Tom Packer worked together with Pearson for several years on MyVoucherCodes in the past.

Here’s the pitch:

Customers have become fatigued by inboxes full of irrelevant offers. will give each member more control over the deals they see and the notifications they receive, while learning which offers are most desirable to them.

Additionally, the site will detect the member’s geographic location at the country level—with region and city detection to come—so the users can take advantage of offers as they travel without having to visit different websites.

Pearson will be taking an active role in the startup’s day-to-day operations.

Read more : Daily deals, but better ones: Mindwork Labs lands $780,000 to jumpstart

Posted in Android, Apple, Editorial Pick, General, Technology, Web, Web Design, World.

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