Celtra, which offers tools for creating rich media mobile ads, is launching version 3 of its AdCreator today. Co-founder and Chief Product Officer Matevz Klanjsek claims this isn’t just an incremental improvement, but rather a “totally different” version of the product, with more than 70 new features and new architecture.
Klanjsek and his co-founder/CEO Mihael Mikek gave me a rapid-fire tour of AdCreator 3 yesterday. They emphasized the fact that you can create an ad without doing any coding, and indeed, they pulled something together using the AdCreator’s largely drag-and-drop interface. They also touted the fact that AdCreator is completely platform agnostic.
Among the things Klanjsek focused on during the demo were AdCreator’s collaboration features, allowing different teams to work on an ad together, even if they’re at different companies. He also pointed out AdCreator’s social integration, so for example advertisers can incorporate things like Instagram photos and Foursquare check ins into an ad. According to Celtra, other new features include a dashboard for managing all your ad campaigns, the ability to include actions and events in an ad, a two-step process for publishing an ad and ensuring that it has the correct tags, and real-time ad metrics.
Celtra most recently raised a $5 million round from GrandBanks Capital and Fairhaven Capital.
Read more : Celtra Revamps Its Mobile AdCreator With 70+ New Features
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