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Berlin’s Startup Factory Takes Shape [TCTV]

We originally reported on the project to create a new kind of startup space in Berlin back in April, provisionally titled “The Factory”.

I recently visited the project which has been put together by JMES Investments (a Berlin based Angel and Seed Investor), s+p Real Estate, and other private investors.

They plan to develop the buildings into a hub for startups, where some will be investments and others added just to add to the cultural mix of the place. Close to Berlin’s central Mitte district, the project his being led by Simon Schaefer with input from major Berlin startups like Soundcloud.

With a total of 5 stories and 85,00 square-meters of space, The Factory will consist of two multi-storey buildings which are already over-subscribed for potential startup tenants who will be treated to bars, restaurants a pool and a basketball court.

Schaefer took me for a tour around the buildings that are slowly coming together.

Read more : Berlin’s Startup Factory Takes Shape [TCTV]

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