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Behold & Drool: Pictures Of The Retina MacBook Pro

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It’s simple really. The new MacBook Pro with the “Retina” display is something you have to see to believe. Perhaps you were watching the live coverage of the keynote today and thinking it’s not a big deal. It’s a very big deal. Once you see this screen, you will forever be ruined. You will not be able to use another screen. The effect is similar to the one we first saw with the iPhone 4 and later with the new iPad as they obtained Retina displays — but it’s magnified. I mean, you’re looking at 5,184,000 pixels.

I got a chance to play around with the new MacBook Pro for a little bit today following the keynote. And I got sent home with a loaner unit to review. I’ll post that review after I’ve had some actual time to play with the device. For now, enjoy the pictures and just trust me when I say you’re going to want to see this screen for yourself. It’s a thing of true beauty.

Read more : Behold & Drool: Pictures Of The Retina MacBook Pro

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