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Apple iOS 6 Maps Ported Over To An iPhone 4, 3D Flyover Mode Intact

Screen shot 2012-06-15 at 10.48.24 AM

News that Apple’s brand-spankin’ new Maps app wouldn’t have full functionality across all of their iOS 6-capable devices struck many as a major blow this week. Apple’s known to keep flagship features on flagship devices, so relegating turn-by-turn navigation and the 3D “Flyover” mode to the iPhone 4S and new iPad only fits with that strategy.

But it turns out that a Russian website called iGuides has cracked the case, at least where Flyover mode is concerned. Without even using Cydia, the hackers have found a way to get Maps up and running on an iPhone 4, including Flyover. Unfortunately, turn-by-turn navigation is still a trouble spot.

Before we go any further, I must instill a sense of caution within your little hacker heart. Not only is the app a bit rough around the edges on the iPhone 4, but the instructions on how to port the software over to your older-generation device are translated from Russian. So please, be careful.

As you can see in the video, the phone he’s using to demo doesn’t have the iPhone 4S’s second antenna band on the side. You can check out the functional Flyover mode below, and directions can be found here.

[via Ubergizmo]

Read more : Apple iOS 6 Maps Ported Over To An iPhone 4, 3D Flyover Mode Intact

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